7 Days ~ 14 Days |
15 Days ~ 30 Days |
31 Days ~ 34 Days |
35 Days ~ 40 Days |
41 Days ~ 51 Days |
52 Days ~ 64 Days |
65 Days ~ 78 Days |
79 Days ~ 86 Days |
87 Days ~ 100 Days |
101 Days ~ 120 Days |
121 Days - 150 Days |
151 Days ~ 180 Days |
181 Days ~ 240 Days |
241 Days ~ 270 Days
271 Days ~ 274 Days
275 Days
276 Days ~ 1 Year
Above 1 Year ~ 375 Days
376 Days ~ 390 Days
391 Days ~ 2 Years
Above 2 Years
3.25% |
3.25% |
3.25% |
3.25% |
3.25% |
3.50% |
3.50% |
3.50% |
3.50% |
4.00% |
4.00% |
4.00% |
4.50% |
4.50% |
4.50% |
4.50% |
4.60% |
4.75% |
4.90% |
5.00% |
5.10% |
4.85% |
4.85% |
4.85% |
4.55% |
4.65% |
5.25% |
5.25% |
5.25% |
5.25% |
5.25% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.25% |
4.65% |
5.55% |
5.55% |
5.60% |
5.60% |
5.65% |
5.70% |
5.70% |
6.00% |
6.00% |
6.25% |
6.25% |
6.75% |
6.75% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
5.40% |
6.00% |
6.00% |
5.45% |
6.00% |
5.40% |
*Senior Citizen Deposits (Above 60 Years) : Will be given addition 0.50% over the standard rates. *Acceptance of bulk deposits of more than INR 100 MM will be at sole discretion of the bank. *Minimum tenor for interest payment to NRE on TD is 12 months |
Savings Bank Account. |
MCLR Rates w.e.f. Jan 21, 2025. |
Overnight |
One month |
Three month |
Six month |
One year |
3.25% |
7.71% |
7.91% |
7.86% |
7.81% |
7.71% |
**Rates are subject to change without any prior notice. |
** Premature withdrawal of Term Deposits will attract a penalty of upto 1% on the applicable interest rate for the actual tenor of deposit. |
Bank offers nomination facility on deposit accounts. Nomination facility is available on all deposit accounts opened by the individuals. Nomination is also available to a sole proprietory concern accounts. Nomination can be made in favour of one individual only. Nomination so made can be cancelled or changed by the account holder/s any time. While making nomination, cancellation or change thereof, it is required to be witnessed by a third party. Nomination can be modified by the consent of account holder/s. Nomination can be made in favour of a minor also subject to other major individual being named appointee(s) during the minority period.
The bank recommends that all depositors avail nomination facility. The nominee, in the event of death of the depositor/s, would receive the balance outstanding in the account as a trustee of legal heirs. The depositor will be informed of the advantages of the nomination facility while opening a deposit account. Please contact Customer Service Department at New Delhi and Chennai branches for registering your Nomination. |